Thursday 12 April 2012

Hola, las amigas!


I don't know why, but I keep walking around the house saying "Hola" to everyone I run into.  (Everyone = mom, dad).


What's new with you?

Looks like I haven't posted much in a while, so here we go!

- Resurrection Sunday was amazing!  After church, I hung out with my family and ate a lot of chocolate.  Then we finished watching Cry, the Beloved Country.

- I just updated my review about the Hunger Games (on point number 1, and conclusion).  If you're still interested, and not ready to eat my head off yet, then check it out!

- I have another blog!  This one (Lordwilling) will be filled with articles about writing.  You can check it out at:!  Lordwilling I will continue to update this blog with personal information (i.e. random stuff about my life!), book reviews, articles, etc.

- I might do a giveaway soon, if I get 10 followers on my Writing Blog and 20 on this one!  If anyone is interested in being a sponsor, that would be epic!  And if not...well, the winners will have to make do with my lame prizes.  :)  (Very encouraging, right?)

- I dissected a frog yesterday!

- I just yawned.

- I learned how to play This is Our God and Revelation Song on the ukulele!  I'm so happy!

- I should probably eat breakfast and start school.

- My parents finished watching an amazing but very sad movie called Sarah's Key.  For some reason Netflix always wants us to watch depressing World War II movies.  Anyway, this was a beautiful tale about a Jewish  girl named Sarah, who hides her little brother in a closet when men come to arrest her family.  She takes the key and promises to come back for him.  However she doesn't realise that she is not returning home in a few days, and she struggles to return to him, so she can let him out like she promised.  Interspersed between Sarah's heartbreaking journey is the story of a modern-day woman who lives in the house Sarah once lived in.  She begins to research Sarah and tries to find out more about her.  Anyway, that's a lame description, but it's a very amazing movie.  (Rated PG-13).

- I really should go eat breakfast now.



  1. Kara, you are awesome, and I love reading your blog. It makes me smile every time. :)


Comments make my day! :) Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I often reply, so please check back!