Saturday 25 February 2012

Eek! (No, it's not a mouse!)

Eeek!  That's the first word that comes to mind when it concerns this blog.  It's been ages since I've posted.  I've been pretty busy catching up with school and going to physio appointments for my arm (some of the muscles got kinked up during healing time after the surgery, so they need to get used to working again!  No slacking allowed!).  I'm still trying to catch up on some school since I'd been in the hospital those 12 days and hadn't done as much school as usual, once I got home and was still recovering.  I think I'm using horrible grammar right now; it's 11:31 (not that that's an excuse) and I should probably NOT be blogging right now...  (more like, sleeping), but I was messing around on the computer, and pretty soon, a whole hour had passed.  I was trying to work on something involving a blog...  and then, of course, looking at some of those important e-mails that I mustn't ignore!  (Btw: if you've e-mailed me and I haven't replied yet, your e-mail is important too...  I just...  you know.  Haven't replied yet.  No one said anything about ignoring anyone.  Oh wait, I just did).  This is a really random blog post.  But I wanted to let you know I'm still alive.  *Hi!*

Today I went to a mini-conference by Laurie Flem.  It was an "Extreme Mom's Makeover", but daughters were allowed to come too.  She is a great speaker and I learned a lot about how to have a positive attitude.  That was sure useful for a girl who wants to be a real grump sometimes!  :)

In my spare time I've been working on my latest book...  I'm trying to get it done somewhat quickly before I lose interest.  It's a very, very rough draft - "rough as sandpaper", as I like to say - so I know I'll have a lot of editing ahead of me before most of you are going to read it.  :D  Although I doubt you would judge me for my sadly unedited work, I do prefer to get out at least the embarrassing spelling errors before anyone else sees them!  (And please, don't ask how long it took me to figure out how to spell "embarrassing"...)

Well, now that I've let you know I'm alive, I better get off.  Send me an e-mail if we haven't talked in a while, and I'll endevour to reply.  :)

Endevouring!... (spelled British...I think)

1 comment:

  1. We all have those times when we can't blog. I miss you Kara!


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